Wednesday, March 25, 2009

This book was unique and well written. While I enjoyed reading it, I will probably never o so again. There are some books, like movies, that require only one go around. I think there are some very good points made in the book about humanity, but it depressed me a little :(
I read books more than once if I can walk away uplifted. There is too much pushing us down in the world right now.

Found this hilarious comic for the upcoming Easter holiday...hehehe

Is it just me?

Here are some things that exasperate/annoy me....let me know if you agree or what annoys you!

1. Families out for a stroll, both parents on a cell phone with the kids in tow looking glum.
(it's family time people!! call the person on the phone back later!)
2. Pants/Jeans/Shorts with writing on the butt...may be fine for your teenager who wants attention there....but why would you want to draw attention to an 8 year old's rear end??
3. kids on roller sneakers in the grocery store...grrr
4. smacking....close your mouth. I don't like to see the food as you grind it up
5. rich people complaining about the economy...right like you will really be eating mac and cheese you just can't afford the next Berkin bag...sob...